Doing it Well

Rachel Lynn Sebastian (Medium) - Talking to Spirits, Managing Her Gift, Mediumship School, Running a Business and Addressing Naysayers

Rachel Lynn Sebastian Season 1 Episode 14

Rachel is a clairaudient, clairsentient and clapiraient. She serves as a spiritual teacher, trans medium and shaman and is the founder of the Shamanic School of Mediumship: teaching psychic souls how to step into shamanic mediumship as an awakening tool, lifestyle and business choice.

In our wonderful conversation, I witness Rachel speaking and sending messages from the otherside. Our chat is incredibly educational and touches on a great many things which include:

- Her journey into Mediumship
- Managing and her uncovering her unique gifts
- Communicating with the angels and those in the afterlife
- Relationships with a mother who has the gift of telepathy and growing up
- Her previous career as an international singer
- Augmenting your inner third eye
- Finding meaning where you want to find it
- Running her own business and school of mediumship